Adding third party comments to a Jekyll blog (on Github Pages)

Jekyll doesn't come with comments by default, but it's easy to add them.

Posted by Michelle Fullwood on March 16, 2014

Look at the bottom of any of the posts on this blog and you’ll see a brand new box for comments! It was pretty easy to set this up on Jekyll. (Whether or not it’s hosted on Github Pages.)

Step 1: Signing up for a third party commenting system.

There are a number of third party commenting systems out there. I’ve gone with livefyre, but to be honest, either Disqus or Intense Debate would probably have done just as well.

Once you’ve gone through the sign-up and installation process, you’ll be given some embed code to paste into your website. The only thing we have to do is to put it in the right place.

Step 2: Adding comments to posts.

We want to have a separate comments box on each post. Therefore, we’ll need to modify _layout/posts.html to include comments. But to keep the comments logic separate from the posts logic, I’ll put the embed code in a separate HTML file, and tell _layout/posts.html to include the comments HTML when it displays.


<div class="post">{{ content }}</div>

<!-- Comments will go underneath the post -->
{% include comments.html %}

Now, Jekyll is going to look for a file called comments.html in _includes/. So create _includes/comments.html and paste the HTML embed code supplied to you by the third party commenting system, and you’re done! When you push the code, you’ll see a comment box on each of your posts.

Please make full use of this feature by contributing your thoughts, either on this post or on future ones!